Thursday, February 28, 2013

Unit 4: Week 4 - Discussion 2 - Week 4

1. What information did you find most interesting in this class?  What Chapter did you find to be boring?

ANSWER 1: The information that I found most interesting in class this unit would have to be the chapter 3 on "THE JOBS" I found that interesting because It gave alot of information on what different types of jobs are out there and what field or type of work would fit your life style or outcome as a career. The chapter that I found to be most boring would have to be legal issues chapter 6. This chapter covered alot of copyright rules and regulations and goes about the proper way to purchase images, pictures and text. RULES, RULES and MORE RULES.  

2. What did you learn that you think you'll use throughout your career?


ANSWER 2: What I have learned in this class that I will use throughout my career is, That rules and regulations as well as copyrighting is VERY IMPORTANT and VERY SERIOUS. Breaking these laws can lead to fines and a bad reputation with you and your name. Something else I would use through out my career would be how important it is to do research on a company if you are designing a logo etc for a business. The more research the more you will understand the job that you are assigned to do and what it is exactly the company is asking of you. This would go will feeling confident about your work as well

3. What did you SEE this month that inspired you? (in or out of the class)

ANSWER 3: What I have seen this month that inspired me is some of the projects and presentations that my fellows classmates create. I think it gives ideas and a learning curve all in the same time. Another thing that inspired me would have to be just web surfing; Looking and doing research on other blogs and websites gives me good ideas and inspiration.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why Marketing Is Important.

First things first, What is marketing ? 

Marketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services. Its communicating the value of the product or service to the customer. Marketing might sometimes be interpreted as the art of selling products, but sales is only one part of marketing. As the term "Marketing" may replace "Advertising " it is the overall strategy and function of promoting a product or service to the customer. As well as understanding consumer buying behavior and providing great customer value.

 Why Marketing is Important.

 All businesses rely on customers to keep them afloat, with no customers there is really not much reason to be in business. Attracting customers will be one of the biggest challenges as a business which is why the marketing team needs to have an effective marketing plan. This is something that a lot of companies really underestimate the importance of. Marketing is what makes your  product  or service open to the public, and will bring in business through web, advertising, promoting and other marketing techniques its about turning leads into sales. Companies need to invest heavily in marketing if they want to make sales.You have to make sure that you have a brand that differentiates you from your competitors and which presents the image that you want as a designer and what the company wants as a product. When you are building your brand for marketing you really have to think about what it is that you do better than your competitors and what you can offer that is different from what other competitors can offer. Once you have done this you will find that creating a marketing plan will be a lot easier since you will know exactly what message you are trying to get across.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

What are Thumbnails, Roughs and Comps?

-There are steps that have been used for centuries to make designing more efficient. It is not necessary to use all of these steps in every design situation but they are included here to give you a better idea of the entire process.

  1. Define the Project
  2. Develop Site Structure & Organize Information
  3. Develop Page Structure & Organize Interactions
  4. Design Graphic User Interface
  5. Build Web Site
  6. Produce & Publish Web Site


The first visual forms of an idea are thumbnail (small) sketches (simple drawings). It is important that they be drawn quickly since you want to record your ideas while they are fresh in your mind. Thumbnail sketches are only helpful to the designer in brainstorming of a design or product.
Thumbnail sketches are akin to doodles; they are nothing more than quick, rough drawings that approximate layouts and placement of key design features or elements. Drawing thumbnails with actual paper and pencil is a great way to brainstorm layout possibilities swiftly and easily.

This is always the first step !


The first full sized sketches of the image are called roughs because they are just that. When enlarging a small sketch into a full size drawing additional design decisions usually need to be made. Designing requires a lot of decision making.

When possible roughs should be the same size as the desired product. A large object like a building requires many scale drawings.

The first rough is a sketch that enlarges the thumbnail. The image is then refined through a series of steps until all of the design problems are solved and the drawing looks some what similar to what you want to create.


Where designers start brainstorming layouts and designs with a pencil in hand, producing doodles that may be incomprehensible to anyone else, a composite, or comp for short, takes your thumbnail sketch and makes it presentable for a client to see.

Comps can be hand drawn, if they are done so neatly and professionally. Once you've thumbnailed they can be scanned to Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.

Though comps are not finished designs, they are the necessary middle step between thumbnail sketches and the final visual design.